Quotations about Running

The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds.

-James Randi

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UTENSILS > Kitchen Tools > mashers:

Imusa Bamboo Mortar & Pestle



The IMUSA Bamboo Mortar and Pestle is perfect for crushing fresh herbs and spices. Cooking with fresh herbs provides a much richer flavor when compared to dried herbs. A cook's best bet is to rely on kitchen tools that simplify and enhance the cooking experience. Cooking with fresh herbs provides a much richer flavor when compared to dried herbs. Use it to ash nuts and seeds, make condiments and sauces, and of course, create glorious pesto or salsa. The Bamboo construction does not require seasoning and can even be used as a piece of decoration in any kitchen. Color: Brown. Gender: unisex. 94046100039 46976689

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Harrisonburg, VA