Quotations about Running

The New Age? It's just the old age stuck in a microwave oven for fifteen seconds.

-James Randi

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KITCHEN > Beverage Appliances > coffee and espresso makers: espresso makers

Mr. Coffee One-Touch Coffeehouse Espresso and Cappuccino Machine



Craft java shop-quality drinks in the comfort of home like a true barista with the Mr. Coffee One-Touch Coffeehouse Espresso and Cappuccino Machine. The espresso machine features an Italian 19-bar pump to extract rich, robust flavors and the thermocouple heating system delivers fast, evenly-heated water. The automatic milk frother whips up your favorite milk into a light and airy cream foam to perfectly top-off your coffee drink. Color: Black. Gender: unisex. 72179236733 76626786

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Harrisonburg, VA